Hello, thank you for visiting my site! I am currently an Assessment & Efficacy Scientist at BrainPOP and an Islamic Psychology Research Fellow at the Alkaram Institute. I completed my doctoral degree in psychology in the Lab of Intergroup Relations and the Social Mind at Columbia University, under the supervision of Dr. Valerie Purdie Greenaway. My research broadly studies insider and outsider dynamics and the ways in which people feel included or excluded in society, with a focus on adolescents coming from underrepresented backgrounds. I study the social environments through which adolescents build some of the most powerful resources in their lives - their social connections - and how social connections can trigger a cascade of positive psychological outcomes, such as strengthened identity, increased civic engagement, and improved academic performance. I explore these dynamics using an intersectional and cultural lens, and through mixed-methods, including qualitative (e.g., youth participatory action research), quantitative (longitudinal, social network analysis) approaches, and field studies.